How often have you received a message from someone expectantly that has lifted your spirits and as I recently suggested, raised the “Inspiration Meter” to new heights? Where does this feeling come from? Depending on our state, we may even find ourselves asking, why me? Why have they connected with me to share these powerful words? Possibly the biggest question we may need to ask ourselves is, how comfortable am I with this moment?
On a beautiful sunny day this past weekend I received a text message which has had a profound impact on every action I have undertaken and embraced in the days that follow. The sun was already on my back as I walked along the shores of Skaha Lake. These walks are meant to step away from the technology that occupies our life, yet for some reason I took my cell phone along while I walked my dog. It was obviously meant to happen. As brief as the message was, it was more than the words that resonated with me, it was the thought and time that they took to share and include me in the joy of the moment. This was a text from a friend currently fighting cancer, fighting chemo and fighting to raise their daughter each and every day.
To read that they had been able to get out and ride a bike made for a special moment. You see, this is someone that has inspired me to ride and to challenge myself on the bike. This is someone who rode from Vancouver to Whistler and back to Vancouver in a day. Someone I admire. We often spoke about riding together. One day, I want this happen. They are also the reason I am cycling in the Ride2Survive, a 400km ride from Kelowna to Vancouver in one day to raise money and awareness for cancer. This ride is for them.
Imagine reading something and visualizing someone doing their happy dance. As I read the words I wasn’t sure if they were doing a happy dance or if it was me, yet every word began to bounce out of my phone. If someone wrote “I rode my bike today! Holly doodle, am I slow…but happy” most times you would acknowledge them for riding. Not today, these words spoke to the power and determination to gain back life and they were also powerful because of whom the words came from knowing the situation.
I believe this message arrived because of the time taken to understand and care about people and in this case a very special and inspirational friend. Take the time to read beyond the words and to understand what the words are saying to you.
Challenge yourself to explore how the words speak to you and how we can learn about the people we communicate with through the stories and messages they send us. Never underestimate the impact we have in a simple message. We may never know how it resonates with those we intend to share it with.
As a result of the message on the beach that day, I have elevated my training in the hope that I may be able to pull a special friend on a ride. I am more inspired to climb and train with the words….”I am slow…but I am happy”. Wow!!! What an image to train for.